Spray can: This is very much like the watercolor brush except that you can hold down in one place to fill the space with more color, much like a real spray can.Edges are similar to the marker in that nearby pixels are partly opaque, but it's different within the lines because even the center of the strokes aren't fully colored (unless you color over them multiple times). Crayon: The crayon makes a chalky, almost wet look.It instead removes every customization on the model while keeping the object intact, useful for starting from scratch without any designs or colors.
Eraser: The eraser, despite its name, doesn't erase what you've already drawn so that parts of the model will return to a previous state (use History for that).Pencil: The pencil is ideal for a freehand look since it only spans between 5px and 10px.This creates a very uniform look that doesn't bleed even a little into any other pixel, which in effect causes rigid edges but also makes it easier to quickly paint next to solid lines. Pixel pen: This one looks almost identical to the marker except that unlike the marker, it colors the entirety of every pixel it reaches.It's similar to the spray can tool, except that the edges aren't as soft. It's really easy to darken the color of the watercolor brush by simply brushing over the same area more than once.